The artist is Delabart
Work is a pair of the second type of field from the village of Kolomensky.
With the apparent compound, the Kolomensky diptych remains in the circle of documenting images. Both species carry signs of the real topography of Kolomensky, interpreted in several archaic techniques dating back to panoramic cartography. The first canvas captures the view of the north from the Catherine Palace-the Moscow River is marked in the center, from the west in the distance the huts of the surrounding “village of Nagatinsky”, behind the river to the north, was visible from the Kolomensky Nikolo-Perevinsky Monastery, on the river-the floating bridge, Starting, according to the old sources, against the palace (obviously, on the site of the former bridge, still Petrovsky time, which had a divorce for passing ships).
The second canvas represents a view of the south from the Catherine Palace towards the village of Dyakov – the plains gave the left bank. Even animal figures – grazing cows and horses, sheep driven by the shepherd – not just a traditional stuffage, but live signs of Kolomensky. There were no courtyards without livestock, and for the palace herd and herd at the same time with the palace, stables and a farard were built, which served specially appointed peasants: they all issued a salary, “and if they were married, then their wives were prescribed as much bread as the same as they were prescribed as much. and husbands “.
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