The artist is Varnek
The portrait dates from the character of the hairstyle and cover the suit. He was in the famous collector’s meeting in. AND. Kokoreva and in 1884 was engraved by the artist in. AND. Bobrov.
For self -portraits and portraits of contemporaries, amazing them with skill and similarity with the model, and. G. Varneka christened during his lifetime "Russian van Damom". Being an experienced physiognomist, feeling well and conveying the character of a person, his posture, gesture, facial expressions, the artist every time revealed the uniqueness of an individual personality. Its portraits are in great stylistic variety.
Although the artistic activity of Varnek began back in 1802–1803, its genuine creative debut took place in Rome. It was here that he created "Self -portrait with a palette and brushes in the hand" (1805–1806, GTG), who was the first in the series created over the years – a kind "portrait autobiography", where the artist represented himself in various states, poses, among a diverse atmosphere and accessories. Such "Self -portrait, illuminated from behind" (1816, steamed to the portrait of the artist’s wife), "Self -portrait with a pipe" (con. 1820s), "Self -portrait in old age" (1830s) and others.
"Self -portrait in a velvet beret, with a flight" – Another software work of a new artistic direction – romanticism, which was formed in the first decade of the XIX century. His exponent in Russian painting along with O O. AND. Kiprensky and a. O. Orlovsky and became a. G. Varnek.
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