Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna in a Russian suit

The artist is unknown

Alexandra Pavlovna, Grand Duchess (1783-1801)-daughter of Emperor Paul I and his wife Maria Fedorovna. Father’s favorite, educated and talented, she inherited from her mother artistic inclinations – she painted, sculpted from wax, was engaged in translations from French. In 1799, she married the Archduke of the Austrian Joseph, the Venterian of Hungarian. Died in 1801 from the postpartum fever.

It is depicted in an elegant brocade after a silk shirt with lace and girlish crown. This richly decorated with pearls, precious stones and mother of pearl headdress, Russian girls put on holidays or weddings. The fact that Alexandra Pavlovna is depicted in the crown, suggests that the portrait was written either in 1796, during her engagement period with the Swedish king Gustav IV Adolf (marriage with which he was upset due to the awkwardness of Russian diplomats), or in 1799-when it took place when it took place betrothal with the Archduke of the Austrian Joseph. The rose in the hand does not contradict this assumption – a paradise flower, a Christian symbol of purity. A similar portrait of the work of an unknown artist is located in the Pavlovsk Palace-Museum.

In February 1796, Catherine II enthusiastically described to her long -standing addressee Baron Grimm a court masquerade, on which her granddaughters “… performed Russian dance to the sounds of Russian music, which was delighted all in magnificent outfits”. Women’s folk costume in Russia of the XVIII – XX centuries. SPb, 2013. With.twenty.

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