Ice house

The artist is Jacobi

The Ice House is one of the fun of the Empress Anna Ioannovna, who was invented in 1740 chamberlain a.D. Tatishchev. The house was built for the Shutovsky wedding of Prince M. AND. Golitsyna and a. And. Buzheninova. The construction led "Masquerade commission", at the head of which stood the cabinet a. P. Volynsky. The house was built on the Neva between the Admiralty and the Winter Palace. The marriage bed and all the interior decoration, up to playing cards and flowers, as well as a bathhouse, guns, figures of dolphins and an elephant in front of the house were poured out of ice. Wedding celebrations were magnificent, truly "fair", Empress Anna Ioannovna herself took part in them. About 300 people dressed in national costumes and playing musical instruments were brought for entertainment. "Wedding" took place on February 6, 1740. At the end of the feast, the newlyweds were again taken to the ice house. In the morning, the joke procession that was to welcome "newlyweds", found them almost frozen, because winter that year was truly fierce. In the timing there is a sketch of the picture of the same name.

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