Portrait a. To. Schwalbe (father of the artist)

The artist is Kiprensky

Adam Karlovich Shvalbe (1742-1807) was a serf of a poor Oranienbaum landowner a.With. Dyakonova. Kiprensky mother, Anna Gavrilova, was married to a.To. Schwalbe a year after birth of her son. It is known that he was a good father Orest. There were five more children in the Schwalba family (son and four daughters). In 1800, after death a.With. Dyakonova, a.To. Schwalbe received free.
Looking at the portrait, it is almost impossible to determine the circle of society to which the depicted. This is a person out of time and environment. The artist is completely absorbed in the tension of the feelings that captured his model. Free, juicy painting, a combination of deep brown and golden tones and the nature of the lighting indicate the study of the creativity of Rembrandt and the Flemish portrait of the 17th century, which is also characteristic of Western European romantic artists. Kiprensky considered Schwalbe a portrait of one of his best works. The portrait belongs to the early works of Kiprensky, in 1804 it was shown at the Academy of Arts and even then earned flattery reviews.

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