Portrait n.AND. Demidova.

The artist is current

Nikita Akinfievich Demidov (1724–1789) – grandson of the famous Tula gunsmith, mining, who became the first Russian subjects who received a diploma from Peter I for the Russian nobility. From his ancestor Nikita Demidov received not only the noble rank, but also a huge inheritance: mountainous factories, mines, mines in the Urals and Siberia. This allowed him to become a philanthropist, collector, patron of scientists and artists. In 1779 at the Academy of Arts, he established a prize and a medal "For success in mechanics". Also known by the magazine of his travels 1771–1773. Honorary member of the IAX and "Free economic society". He corresponded with Voltaire. Nikita Akinfievich, who significantly increased the condition he got, never forgot his roots. Once he wrote: "Our ancestor was a blacksmith, and we not only do not hide this, but are proud, having the ancestor who, with his personal dignity and mind, gained immortality and put down his family with honor, revealed him to the state of merits by state".

Portrait of Nikita Akinfievich Demidov – one of the best in the creative heritage of Louis Toke. He is distinguished by impeccably accurate drawing and picturesque skill. With extraordinary ease and brilliance, the texture of fabrics is written: heavy velvet, dense cloth, thinnest silk. But the main thing that attracts attention is the face – living, expressive. The artist managed to convey the internal independence of a man, in his prime. The portrait has a rare combination of the representativeness of a ceremonial custom portrait and an accurately captured moment in the life of a real, living person.

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