Portrait of the prince.AND. Potemkina-Tauride

The artist is unknown

Potemkin-Tauride Grigory Aleksandrovich (1739–1791)-Count (1775), Serene Prince (1776), Field Marshal (1784), Favorite and closest associate of Catherine II. Viceroy in the Novorossiysk Province, Governor-General of the Yekaterinoslav Nemstrekiy (1783–1791). The creator of the Black Sea Navy founded a number of cities, including Yekaterinoslav (1776), Kherson (1778), Sevastopol (1783), Nikolaev (1789).
Commander-in-Chief during the Russo-Turkish War of 1787–1991, took the fortress of Ochakov (1788). Since 1790 the great hetman of Cossack Yekaterinoslav and Black Sea troops. In 1790–1791 the actual head of the Moldavian state. Cavalier of the orders of St. Anna (1770), St. George 3rd degree (1770), St. Alexander Nevsky (1774), St. Andrew the First -Called (1774), St. George 2nd degree (1775), Seraphim (1776), St. Vladimir 1st degree (1782), St. George 1st degree (1788), black eagle, white eagle, St. Stanislav, Elephant.

The portrait dates back to the original of Johann Baptist Lampe the elder (1791–1797, he), created after the death of the Most Serene Prince. The portrait reflects special respect for this outstanding figure of the era, bordering on worship.
The prince is represented in the image of the commander in armor, on the shoulder the blue tape of the highest Russian Order of St. Andrei the First -Called, next to the helmet with a plumage, covered by a laurel wreath of the winner.

Catherine the Great in the country and the world. SPb, 2017. With. 86.

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