Portrait of Count a. And. Vorontsova

The artist is Levitsky

Vorontsov Artemy Ivanovich (1748-1813) – Count. Acting secret adviser, senator, real chamberlain. The son of General-Druchik and. And. Vorontsova from marriage with m. AND. Vorontsova (nee. Volynskaya). The grandson of the office of Empress Anna Ioannovna Artemy Volynsky, the nephew of Chancellor M. And. Vorontsova. From 1765 to 1773 he served in the Life Guards Horse shelf. Distant relative and godfather a. With. Pushkin. Possessed a significant state, but at the end of his life he went bankrupt and was forced to agree to the marriage of the youngest daughter with his son’s son.

Portrait Gallery of the Russian Museum. Persons of Russia. SPb. 2012. With. 91.

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