Martha Posadnitsa (a sabbath to Feodosius of Boretsky Sword Ratmir young leader of Novgorodians Miroslav, appointed by Martha as her husband Ksenia)

The artist is Ivanov

The picture was written according to the program given on March 14, 1808 to a group of pensioners and students of the Imperial Academy of Arts of the 4th age. The center of the composition depicts Martha – a magnificent woman who led the struggle of Novgorod with Ivan III, the heroine of one of the unfinished "Duma" Ryleyev. At the direction of Martha, the desert Feodosiy Boretsky, her grandfather, awards Miroslav, chosen in the wife of the daughter of Martha Ksenia, a sword for the struggle for the independence of Novgorod. The ancestor of Feodosia Ratmir wrote in gold in the sword: "The enemy will never get". Before us is a strictly verified classic composition, built on the diagonal arrangement of the figures of the characters and their location on the canvas, on the clarity of contours and linear rhythmization, on comparing local color spots, the contrasts of light and shadows and the energetic light -detentional modeling of figures. For this picture, Ivanov received in 1808 a commendable review from the Academy of Arts.

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