Portrait n. AND. Suvorova.

The artist is the lamp

The author of the portrait is Johann Baptist Lampi Senior, Austrian painter. Favorite portraitist of the courtyard and nobility. Worked in Vienna and Warsaw. At the invitation of the prince g g. AND. Potemkina, who was then in Moldova, Lampi went to Yassi and arrived there in January 1792. Having soon moved to St. Petersburg, he stayed there until April 1797., Having fulfilled many portraits of Fatherine II who favored him, faces of the royal family and the highest aristocracy. Gave lessons to Russian artists (from 1792 to 1794 at Lampi studied in. Borovikovsky).

Suvorova Natalya Aleksandrovna (1775-1844) – Countess, the only daughter of Field Marshal A. AT. Suvorov, who affectionately called her “Suvorochka”. Freilyin Catherine II (from 1791). Since 1795 wife Ober-stalmaster Count n. AND. Zubov (1763-1805), the older brother of the favorite of the Empress. In 1801, her husband took an active part in the conspiracy for the murder of Emperor Paul I. Natalya Alexandrovna moved to Moscow and lived separately from her husband. Ovidev, devoted herself to the upbringing of six children. According to legend, when in 1812 the French army approached Moscow, Natalya Alexandrovna and her family did not manage to leave. Both her convoy, and she herself was detained by the French, who, having learned that in front of them the daughter of the great Suvorov, let her with the children through the front, giving her military honors. Portrait Gallery of the Russian Museum. Persons of Russia. SPb. 2012. With. 102.

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