The artist is Savrasov
The artist’s spring paintings are characterized by the warmth and sincereness of the landscape image, the softness and subtlety of a picturesque solution. A dim and thin color, built on soft combinations of gray, brown, white and blue tones, transfers mother -of -pearl tenderness of spring colors. Nobody before Savrasov could so deeply and poeticly reveal the beauty and lyricism of the Russian landscape. "Russia does not have its expression, ”said Savrasov himself. – We are ashamed of our homeland… My grandmother said before death: "Learn to write so that the whole soul cries from heavenly and earthly beauty… Lakes overgrown with aspen, wet fields and oblique huts, rifles and a low sky – we are blind, so as not to enjoy this light…". In the spring landscapes of the thin lyrics, a slow awakening is felt, characteristic of northern nature, when the air becomes gradually warmer, as if the aroma of spring is felt in everything. He depicts the beauty of Russian nature, poor rural huts, and all this is filled with thin vibrating spring light. One of his students and. Levitan wrote about the work of his teacher: “Savrasov tried to find in the simplest and most ordinary those intimate, deeply touching, often sad features that are so strongly felt in our native landscape and have so irresistibly act”.
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