The artist is unknown
Circle f. With. Rokotova.
Previously attributed f. With. Rokotov, however, modern stylistic, technological and documentary research does not give reason to confirm this authorship with confidence. The portrait is distinguished by the excellent quality of painting and it was no coincidence that he was associated with the name of the famous portraitist.
Emperor Peter III is presented on it in full form of Colonel Preobrazhensky Regiment. Most likely, it is he who is mentioned in the catalog of the meeting of the IAX (RGIA, F. 789, op. 1, h. 1, 1773, D. 570, No. 170–171). P. N. Petrov suggested that “for this portrait brought to the emperor during a divorce, January 12, 1762., The artist Rokotov was promoted by the chief director of the Imperial. Academy of Arts, and. And. Shuvalov, to the adjuncts of the Academy ”(Kat. historical exhibition. With. 77. No. 259). In the affairs of the IAH Foundation for 1764, there really is a mention that Rokotov was “called adjunct on January 13, 1762 …” (RGIA, F. 789, op. 1, h. 1, 1764, D. 151, l. five). Several similar images are mentioned in the literature (Lapshina. With. 25). In the future, it was established that Rokotov received the title of adjunct for a portrait from the Nizhny Novgorod Art Museum, having a signature and date – 1762 (Kochik. With. 70–71). The generated portrait from the GRM collection is close by date and is undoubtedly connected with the circle of Rokotov. (In the sign 1842 (No. 282) the portrait is called a copy. In the XVII – XIX centuries, any repetition of a well -known type was called a copy). In the cat. 1980 (p. 371. No. 6627): beginning of 1760s.
Peter III (Karl Peter Ulrich Golstein-Gottorpsky; February 21, 1728, keel − July 6/17, 1762, Ropsha) − The son of the Duke of Golstein-Gottorp Carl Frederick and daughter of Peter I Anna Petrovna. In 1742 he was brought to Petersburg as the heir to the throne. Having accepted Orthodoxy, he received the name of Peter Fedorovich. In 1745 he married Sofia Frederica Augustus Angalt Tserbst, future Catherine II. Since 1761, the Russian emperor, the first representative of the Holstein-Gottorp (Oldenburg) branch of the Romanovs in Russian throne. After a half -year reign, it was overthrown as a result of the palace coup (1762), who elevated his wife to the throne, Catherine II. He died in the Ropshinsky Palace under unclear circumstances.
Reigned from December 25, 1761 / January 5, 1762 to June 28 / July 9, 1762.
The 400th anniversary of the Romanov house. SPb, 2013. With. 112.
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